Lemon Face Mask

Homemade lemon face mask is good for oily, acne or pimple prone skin.This is the fact that lemon irritates skin but at the same time lemon juice is very suitable to prevent oily skin problems. The best part of using lemon on face is its astringent and bleaching effect on skin. Natural astringent in this fruit help to tighten facial pores, reduces oil secretion and makes skin clean.


Lemon can be added to face masks prepared at home to smartly deal with all the troubles of greasy and shiny skin. Your skin will feel clearer, fresh and clean of all the dirt and impurities after using lemon face mask.


Egg White and Lemon Face Mask

Mix 1 tbsp. honey with 1 tbsp. egg white and half a tsp. lemon juice. Leave this honey face mask for 10 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water. This mask helps reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate, tone and clear skin.


Natural Bleaching for Face

Lemon and honey is good bleach for skin. Take a table spoon of honey and squeeze one lemon in it. Mix well and apply that paste on your face and neck. Keep it for an hour and then wash with cold water.